
A connected school community

The philosophy and essence of community has always been the biggest factors that underpinned subsequent growth and success

During its early formative years AIS consisted of a handful of parents and teachers. This small, tight-knit, group has grown into the large and diverse community that is AIS today but it still retains the same spirit that was evident in the early years.

Parents Association

A Warmest Welcome! The Parent and Friends Association (P&F) supports families as they undergo the transitions that are typical of international school life

P&F provides an opportunity for all parents of AIS students to meet, enjoy social events and contribute to continual school improvement. By sharing experiences and engaging with school leaders, parents can become more involved in the school-home partnership. This has been proven to have a very beneficial impact on learning. The P&F organises various events throughout the year where parent volunteers can contribute, participate in, and enjoy the camaraderie and celebrations that come from giving back to the community. Many of our families discover lifetime friends in the P&F, and it is a source of strength and support, knowledge and experience for all of our families, whether they are arriving, leaving, or staying. As a vital part of the school community, the elected P&F Committee represents a very real opportunity for enthusiastic parents to become more deeply involved in the life of our school. The P&F Committee provides suggestions and feedback on school improvements and policies as well as input and direction to the AIS annual Family Fun Day, Quiz Nights and other social events.

Living in Indonesia

Let us know how we can help you relocate in Indonesia. Please do not hesitate to contact our Parents & Friends Committee or our Admission Team at jakarta.pnf@ais-indonesia or
  • Beyond the academic program, AIS also looks to support families re-locating to Indonesia. Our extended community – parents, teachers, school counsellors, admission office – are all looking forward to welcoming you to our campuses. Whether through a warm welcome over the telephone or an invitation to coffee or one of the school’s many social activities, our community is ready to extend help and support.
  • Below are some useful links to information on re-location to Indonesia as well as some helpful tips on settling into life as an expatriate family. Beyond this information, if you need suggestions for a new doctor, dentist, delicatessen or where to find home country embassy/consulates, please do not hesitate to contact our Parents & Friends Committee or our Admission team.