An emotionally healthyschool plays an important role in the development of a child by building a positive sense of wellbeingand a strong emotional self to help face life’s challenges with confidence
If students are emotionallyhealthy and experiencing positive relationships at school, an increased academic readiness is evident
Wellbeing In High School - Restorative Practices- Focus on relationships- Empower students to understand their mistakes and behaviours- Build conflict management skills- Promote resolution through understanding of actions and those of others- Focus on the person who caused harm, the recipient of the harm and the community in which theharm was felt- People working together for the best resolution- Through SET classes students are taught about values, emotions, behaviours and strategies to makehealthy decisions
Social & Enmotional Thinking Classes
A values based program which tackles the issues impacting young people in a global context and isdesigned to equip our students with the skills to make healthy choices, handle their emotions andhow to express themselves openly and honestly. Reducing conflict and increasing empathy andunderstanding
- Long term changes in student behaviour
- Positive upstanding culture
- reporting
- Emotionally healthy school environment
- Articulate students able to use the language of emotional literacy
Wellbeing In High School Support Team
- Principal
- Wellbeing Co-ordinator- Counsellor
- Connexions Mentoring Services (student led)
- PeerPoint Tutoring Services (student led)
- Buddy Up! BFF Program (student led)
- Homeroom Teachers
- Homeroom Buddies (student led)
- Child Protection Team
Wellbeing In High School - Parent Support Available
Parents can reach out to the Wellbeing team directly to discuss any issue- wellbeing will support youthrough our processesParent workshops, usually one per term connected to topics taught in SETSupporting families - approaches and strategiesReferrals to Ms. Retha to discuss any issues your child may be experiencingWe are available to our whole school community so please reach out! linzi.band@ais-indonesia.com